“Clouds are not clusters, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, tree bark is not flat, light does not travel in a straight line” Benoit Mandelbrot Fractal is a loanword from the word fractal, "a concept in mathematics." (First used: 1975 Benoit Mandelbrot, Fr. mathematician.) The French word is derived from the Latin verb frangere, fract- "to break".
The reason why there is Fractal in the company name is related to my quest to find my life purpose. During this quest, I stopped at some stops out of curiosity, and that's when Fractals came across me, drew me in and fascinated me. When I looked carefully, I saw fractals in many objects in nature, and at the same time, I followed their traces in my world of thought. I wanted to use fractals, one of the concepts that influenced me, in the company name and keep my curiosity alive here.
We see the whole, unaware of its parts.